We would like to extend a warm welcome to the Scoil Phádraig website. Our school is a co-educational primary school set in the urban heart of beautiful Westport. We are a Catholic school under the patronage of the Diocese of Tuam, and we also welcome children of all faiths. We care for the physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development of all of our pupils, as we strive to help each one develop to his / her full potential. The Scoil Phadraig community is a happy, vibrant, progressive and safe environment for all of the wonderful children and adults who learn and work here together every day. In June 2017, we moved into our brand new, state of the art, architecturally designed new building and the children and teachers love it! We also hope you enjoy looking at the excellent and amazing work, activities and successes that happen in our school and get some idea of the warm atmosphere the children, teachers and parents create at Scoil Phádraig
Le gach dea-ghuí,
Fergus Seoighe
School Principal
Sharon Brady
Deputy Principal
Sharon McGreal
Colm Carney
Assistant Principals
Our Philosophy

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Our Ethos

Scoil Phádraig is a Roman Catholic primary school founded in 2006 as a result of the amalgamation of St. Patrick’s Mercy N.S. and Scoil Phadraig na mBráithre, under the patronage of the Archbishop of Tuam. We wish to acknowledge the contribution and commitment of their founding orders, the Sisters of Mercy and the Christian Brothers. It is our intention that the values of the Mercy Sisters and the Christian Brothers will continue to permeate the life of Scoil Phádraig.
We believe:
that every child is unique and valuable because his/her life comes from God. The greatest gift we can give children is to help them discover and enhance their self-worth, their self-belief and their self-confidence.
We believe:
that every facet of life is important, whether spiritual, physical, intellectual, social or emotional.
We strive:
to give each child the necessary knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to live a satisfactory life, in a changing society.
We strive:
To live as we believe and in doing so hope that
A spirit of kindness and tenderness
A spirit of laughter and joy
A spirit of trust and understanding
A spirit of prayerfulness and hope will forever live in the hearts of the children
Our Board of Management

Our Board of Management's term started on November 1st 2023 and continues until October 31st 2027. Our Board, acts under the Patron, Bishop Francis Duffy, is made up of 8 members and is constituted as follows:
Patron's Nominee & Chairperson: Pearce O'Malley
Patron's Nominee: Mary O'Malley
Teachers' Nominee & School Principal: Fergus Seoighe
Teachers' Nominee: Colm Carney
Parents' Nominee: Gerard Corcoran
Parents' Nominee: Paula Ring
Community Nominee: Pat Fleming
Community Nominee: Maria Lyons
Our Home School Association

Our Home-School Association was elected during the 2023-24 school year.
Claire Kavanagh (Chairperson)
Ann-Marie Carney
Mairead Murphy
Bryan Friel
James Moran
Johanne Duffy
John O'Malley
Mary Staunton
Julie Dalton
Maura Carney
Padraig Keane
Ronan Farrell
Kenny Hope
Seán Lee (Teacher Representative)
Rachel Fetherston (Teacher Representative)
Fergus Seoighe (Principal)
Our Student Council

The student council was established in 2023. It has two representatives from every class from 3rd - 6th class.
In term one, a new council is elected and meet regularly throughout the year.
Our Mission Statement

As a Roman Catholic school we in Scoil Phádraig strive to educate in a holistic manner with due regard for the uniqueness of each child and for his/her individual circumstances. We strive to develop a spirituality enriched, intellectually motivated, socially integrated individual who will proactively participate in his/her education. We value working in partnership with parents and with the local community. We care for one another and our planet Earth.
Our History

Scoil Phádraig was formed in 2006 following the amalgamation of the CBS Boys School and the Convent Girls School and is the largest primary school in Westport with 300+ pupils.
Our new school building, with new 16 classroom, was opened in 2017. It is located on the site of the old Christian Brothers National School.
School Opening Times
8.35am - Morning supervision begins
8.45am - Tuition begins for all classes
10.45am - Sos
12.30pm - Lón
1.25pm - Home Time for infant classes
2.25pm - Home Time for all classes
Staff of Scoil Phádraig
Children: 358
Principal: 1
Class Teachers: 16
SETs/EAL Teachers: 8
SNAs: 9
Principal: Fergus Seoighe
Deputy Principal: Sharon Brady
Assistant Principal: Sharon McGreal
Mainstream Class Teachers
Leona Ruane
Rachel Fetherston
Aileen Basquille
Carol Barrett
Vanessa Sheridan
Seán Lee
Emma Doyle
Caroline Leonard
Laverne Heneghan
Sinead Brogan
Micheál Moran
Nicole Gannon
Maria Carroll
Seán Mulchrone
Grace Kelly
Colm Carney
Special Needs Assistants
Geraldine McNally
Tadhg McNally
Noreen Lally
Rachel Ruane
Catrina O'Donnell
Caroline Barrett
Vita Liubushchenko
Des Cafferkey
Chloe Duffy
Ancillary Staff
Yvonne Scott
Tom Friel
Seánie McNally
Valeria Szabo
Special Education Teachers and English as an Additional Language Teachers
Sharon Brady
Brigid Gilboy
Cathríona Sweeney
Gerard Murphy
Sharon McGreal
Sorcha Philbin / Mary Gallagher
Philomena McConville / Helen Lydon
Margo Randles
Karina Hanley (Reading Recovery)
Catrina Rodgers
Bríd Gilmartin