School Uniforms
In Scoil Phádraig, we have two school uniforms:
School Uniform
School Tracksuit
The main school uniform is worn three days of the week (below) and the school tracksuit is worn on the other two which would normally indicate the days your child has PE. Please see the next two panels for more details on the uniforms.
Main School Uniform
The main school uniform comprises of:
Grey trousers (both boys and girls can wear these) or grey skirt/pinafore) - can be purchased at any shops/supermarket that sells clothes
White Polo shirt - can be purchased at any shops/supermarket that sells clothes
Green jumper with crest can be bought in O'Brien's in Westport
Shoes or runners (parent's choice)

School Tracksuit
The school tracksuit comprises of:
Navy tracksuit bottoms - can be purchased at any shops/supermarket that sells clothes
White polo shirt - can be purchased at any shops/supermarket that sells clothes
Navy or grey tracksuit jumper (crest is optional at the moment) can be bought in O'Brien's in Westport with crest or an good shop or supermarket
Shoes or runners (parent's choice)
Healthy School Lunches
We encourage all children to bring a healthy lunch with them to school. They have two opportunities to eat, at small break before a 15-minute play and again at big break, before a 25-minute play. Any rubbish (plastic bags, tin foil etc.), should be brought home with children in their lunch boxes. Waste from fruit or leftover sandwiches can be placed in compost bin in each classroom. On Friday, we allow the children to bring in one treat to enjoy after they have eaten their healthy lunch.
From May 2024, the school provides hot meals everyday through our partner, The Lunch Bag. At the start of the year, a letter is sent home with every child detailing how to install the app so you and your child can choose their nutritious hot meal for the week ahead.

Breakfast Club & After School
An Scoil Beag run the Preschool in Scoil Phádraig and also manage the Breakfast Club (7.30am - 8.35am) and Afterschool (1.25pm - 2.25pm for infants and 2.25pm to 5pm (4pm on Fridays) for all other children).
For more detail, contact Mairead on
086 0801677 or email: