
For the past number of years, the school has been using Aladdin for administrative purposes. All parents are invited to install Aladdin Schools Connect on their smartphones / devices as this is the main communication tool for the school. All payments for school activities can be made via Aladdin Connect or by card in the office.
Aladdin uses state of the art security to safeguard information entered by you and the school and data is stored and processed in strict compliance with Irish data protection laws.
When money is due for any school activity that is relevant to your children, you will receive a notification / text / email message. On your Aladdin Connect app, you will see an ePayments link where you can pay.
ePayments via Aladdin makes life easier for all, in that parents will not have to count out the exact amount of cash needed for different teachers and children won't have to bring cash to school. It saves so much time in the office, counting all the money and lodging it in the bank, not to mention the bank charges.
If you have any issues regarding setting up your Aladdin account or using the app, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to support you.