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POBAL: Our School-Our Spirit

‘Pobal’ is the Irish word for ‘community’, but in Scoil Phadraig it means much more than that.


Pobal is a social awareness programme unique to our school. It is built around our ‘Pobal Pupil Charter’. This is a charter of Rights and Responsibilities designed collaboratively by the pupils outlining what they have decided to be the Rights and the Responsibilities of the children in our school community.


We hold ‘Pobal’ assemblies where we highlight in an interactive way aspects of school life that are important, such as showing respect, being inclusive and taking individual responsibility for creating a happy and caring school environment for the benefit of everyone.


To date we  have also held whole school ‘Pobal’ initiatives such as ‘Friendship Week’, ‘Bucket Week’, ‘ Pobal Awards Incentives’, ‘Anti-Bullying Week’,  learning ‘Pobal’ related theme songs, poetry, poster and rap competitions, all based around the positive social messages we wish to embed in our school.


‘Pobal’ is fluid, constantly growing and changing, under the direction of our ‘Pobal’ committee, made up of both pupils and teachers.


Pobal - Scoil Phádraig Charter of Pupils’ Rights

Our Pobal Poem 

Be Kind, If You Don’t Mind!

By Ariadna Gomez-Kelly


Can I ask you if you don’t mind?

Could you take a moment to be kind?

Try to go and play fair,

To show others that you care.

Try to include others,

Everyone, sisters and brothers.

Don’t interfere with all ball games-

Please be nice and don’t call names.

Respect the boundaries, here and there,

Because invading other classes isn’t fair.

Line up nicely, it isn’t hard, okay?

Now all that’s left to do is go and play.

The Pobal Rap

Pobal is a word

It means community

We're all in this together

So how's it gonna be?

Caring is the thing

You find it in yourself

If you go into a shop

You won't find it on a shelf

Scoil Phádraig is our place

We come here everyday

Now let's work together

And rap the Pobal Way

Pobal Mantra

Be kind

Play fair

Show respect

Include others

Don’t interfere in others’ games

Please be nice

And don’t call names! 



© 2016 by Scoil Phádraig - all images and photos created or owned by children or members of Scoil Phádraig community

   Registered Charity Number: 20016135

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