Scoil Phádraig believe that students have a vital role to play in creating a positive and welcoming school environment conducive to learning and happiness. We believe that our Student Council plays a key role in achieving this.
The Role of the Student Council in Scoil Phádraig:
The role of the Student Council is to:
Provide an opportunity for pupils to voice their opinions and offer suggestions in relation to many aspects of school life
Help improve school life for everybody.
Act as a channel of communication within the school organisation, between pupils and between home and school
Encourage pupils to organise events in Scoil Phádraig and to represent the school in a positive way during these events.
The Election Process:
Each year, students from 3rd – 6th Class are invited to nominate themselves for a place on the Student Council. An election is held in each class and two representatives (one boy and one girl) from each class are awarded a seat on the Student Council for the duration of that academic year. The elected pupils are required to be active participants in the Student Council, to attend meetings regularly, participate in activities and be a role model for other students. All Student Council members are presented with a specially designed badge to ensure they are readily identifiable as Student Council representatives.
Important Dates:
20th September: Nominations received by class teachers.
25th September: Elections in classrooms and new councillors elected.
End of Sept / Early Oct: Special assembly to announce new Student Council and they will receive their badge.
A good councillor should be:
A good listener
Able to work in a team
Want to make changes
Student Council Meetings:
Members meet twice a month, at lunchtime, in Room 16. Council Meetings are facilitated by Mr. Carney. Prior to these meetings, the Student Council representatives collect ideas and suggestions from all classes, for the agenda. Also, Mr. Carney may put forward topics to be discussed or upcoming events which need to be deliberated about at the meetings. As well as bringing matters to the Council for discussion, the members are required to report the outcome of meetings to the other classes.
Topics that come under discussion at Student Council meetings may include the following:
- school rules
- behaviour and discipline
- green issues
- health and safety
- homework
- friendship
- lunchtime games and activities
- school uniform
- fundraising
- extra- curricular activities
The Council has an important role to play in the organisation of:
School celebrations
School Fundraising
Special occasions
Special presentations
Implementing new initiatives
In 2023-24, the Student Council worked on the following projects;
Hot Meals – helped choose the supplier for our hot meals in school.
Uniform – discussed changing the material used to make our school jumper. New material introduced in summer 2024.
Homework – proposal to Mr. Seoighe for no homework on the last Thursday of every month.
Journals – helped decide on new supplier for homework journals and choose front image.
Yard – made suggestions on how to improve yard.
POBAL – consulted about the new POBAL charter being developed.
Clubs – asked for more indoor clubs to be introduced and ran.
Through the Student Council, Scoil Phádraig hopes to give our pupils a more active role in the organisation of our school and ensure they are listened to and respected for their ideas and concerns. Discussions in classes and at Student Council meetings help to develop social and learning skills in many areas including speaking and listening, problem solving, brainstorming and the decision-making process.